Pubblicazioni scientifiche sulla viticoltura da tavola – giugno 2016

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Quelli che seguono sono i link alle più recenti pubblicazioni scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali sulla viticoltura da tavola aggiornate al mese di giugno 2016

  1. Breeding for cold-resistant, seedless grapes from Chinese wild Vitis amurensis using embryo rescue
  2. Reproduction Green Cuttings Grapes With Closed Root System in Conditions of Southern Forest-Steppe of Western Siberia
  3. Effect of Humic Acid on Productivity and Quality of Superior Seedless Grape Cultivar
  4. Quantitative Investigation of Leaf Photosynthetic Pigments during Annual Biological Cycle of Vitis vinifera L. Table Grape Cultivars
  5. Daily Preharvest UV-C light keeps high stilbenoid concentration in grape
  6. Evaluation of some seeded cultivars of grape in different location of Kurdistan region, Iraq
  7. Dissecting the polysaccharide-rich grape cell wall matrix using recombinant pectinases during winemaking
  8. Investigation on Phenolic and Aroma Compounds of Table Grapes from Romania
  9. The effect of postharvest application of UV-C radiation on the phenolic compounds of conventional and organic grapes (Vitis labrusca cv.’Concord’)
  10. Grape poweder improves age-related decline in mitochondrial and kidney functions in fisher 344 rats
  11. Importance of institutions in institutional arrangements with small producers:case of table grapes in the region of …
  12. First Report of Table grape blue Mold Caused by Penicillium sumatrense in Iran
  13. Estudio de un sistema de visión para control de pesos y tamaño de racimos de uva de mesa
  14. Diseño mecánico-eléctrico de una máquina mecatrónica para seleccionar uvas de mesa

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