Quelli che seguono sono i link alle più recenti pubblicazioni scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali sulla viticoltura da tavola aggiornate al mese di giugno 2016
- Breeding for cold-resistant, seedless grapes from Chinese wild Vitis amurensis using embryo rescue
- Reproduction Green Cuttings Grapes With Closed Root System in Conditions of Southern Forest-Steppe of Western Siberia
- Effect of Humic Acid on Productivity and Quality of Superior Seedless Grape Cultivar
- Quantitative Investigation of Leaf Photosynthetic Pigments during Annual Biological Cycle of Vitis vinifera L. Table Grape Cultivars
- Daily Preharvest UV-C light keeps high stilbenoid concentration in grape
- Evaluation of some seeded cultivars of grape in different location of Kurdistan region, Iraq
- Dissecting the polysaccharide-rich grape cell wall matrix using recombinant pectinases during winemaking
- Investigation on Phenolic and Aroma Compounds of Table Grapes from Romania
- The effect of postharvest application of UV-C radiation on the phenolic compounds of conventional and organic grapes (Vitis labrusca cv.’Concord’)
- Grape poweder improves age-related decline in mitochondrial and kidney functions in fisher 344 rats
- Importance of institutions in institutional arrangements with small producers:case of table grapes in the region of …
- First Report of Table grape blue Mold Caused by Penicillium sumatrense in Iran
- Estudio de un sistema de visión para control de pesos y tamaño de racimos de uva de mesa
- Diseño mecánico-eléctrico de una máquina mecatrónica para seleccionar uvas de mesa